
I help small marketing teams make a big impact

I help small marketing teams make a big impact


I’m a strategic marketing consultant with more than 15 years of experience helping B2B, SAAS, eCommerce, and B2C companies more effectively tell their brand stories across digital and offline platforms to increase brand awareness, create community and drive more leads and sales. With a background in trade media, I’m a huge believer in content marketing and its transformative power to drive organic growth. 

My client engagements take many forms depending on your needs. We almost always start with a deep dive on your current audience and marketing tactics using a data-driven approach to identify your best opportunities to optimize your key conversion KPIs. I get that not all teams have a huge budget, and we’ll work with what you’ve got, often deciding what not to do to focus on what actually matters.

Contact Colleen | Connect on LinkedIn | Download Resume


I’m a strategic marketing consultant with more than 15 years of experience helping B2B, SAAS, eCommerce, and B2C companies more effectively tell their brand stories across digital and offline platforms to increase brand awareness, create community and drive more leads and sales. With a background in trade media, I’m a huge believer in content marketing and its transformative power to drive organic growth. 

My client engagements take many forms depending on your needs. We almost always start with a deep dive on your current audience and marketing tactics using a data-driven approach to identify your best opportunities to optimize your key conversion KPIs. I get that not all teams have a huge budget, and we’ll work with what you’ve got, often deciding what not to do to focus on what actually matters.

Contact Colleen | Connect on LinkedIn | Download Resume (LINK)


“Colleen is a highly skilled, strategic marketer. I recommend her to any business that is seeking to elevate their inbound and outbound marketing efforts,”

President, Penta Technology


Add Expertise Without Expense

On a small marketing team, it doesn’t make sense to invest in specialists you’ll only need a fraction of the time.  We’ll leverage my network of marketing specialists including data scientists, developers, SEOs, content marketers and designers, allowing you to flexibly add reliable, tested experts without adding headcount or the crazy expense of most agency engagements.

Marketing Services

  • Comprehensive Marketing Strategy
  • Buyer Persona Development
  • Branding & Design
  • Website Design & Development
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing & Automation
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Lead Generation
  • KPI Development and Reporting
  • Actionable Analytics
  • Pitch Decks & Interactive Sales Tools
  • Marketing Technology Stack Optimization
  • eCommerce Funnel Optimization
  • PR & Media Buying
  • Marketing Education & Coaching
  • Mentorship 
  • Print Collateral & Design

Coaching and Training

Hiring, training and managing marketers can be a real strain. Many junior marketers are underutilized with raw potential waiting to be tapped, but small teams lack the time and specialized knowledge to get the most out of these invaluable internal resources. My coaching and project management services will help you develop your team and balance their to-do list to help you score a higher ROI from your current in-house resources.


Let’s Talk!

Want to connect for an initial no-strings chat to see if I can help boost your company’s growth without the hefty price tag of a traditional agency?

Email Colleen at



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